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Exchange Term

The exchange term,
exchange term$\displaystyle \quad {\sum_i \int d{\bf r'} \psi_{\nu_{i}}^*({\bf r'}) U(\vert{r...
...t) \psi_{\nu_{j}}({\bf r'}) \psi_{\nu_{i}}({\bf r}) \delta_{\sigma_i
\sigma_j}}$     (3.31)

is more complicated and cannot be written as a simple re-normalisation of the one-particle Hamiltonian \bgroup\color{col1}$ \hat{H}_0$\egroup. Its spin-dependence indicates that it originates from the exchange interaction between indistinguishable Fermions.

What we have achieved, though, is a self-consistent description of the interacting \bgroup\color{col1}$ N$\egroup-Fermion systems in terms of a single Slater determinant built from the states \bgroup\color{col1}$ \psi_i({\bf r},\sigma)$\egroup. Actually, for spin-independent \bgroup\color{col1}$ \hat{H}_0$\egroup and \bgroup\color{col1}$ U$\egroup only the orbital parts \bgroup\color{col1}$ \psi_i({\bf r}$\egroup enter the Hartree-Fock equations, although the spin-indices do play a role in the exchange term.

Tobias Brandes 2005-04-26