Dr. Tobias Brandes


Quantum Mechanics and Computing in Physics, Mathematics and Biology, Warwick (England), 20. Feb. 2004
Organisers: T. Brandes, R. A. Roemer


283. International WE Heraeus workshop `Localisation, Quantum Coherence, and Interactions' , Hamburg (Germany),  4.-6. Sept. 2002.
Organisers: T. Brandes, S. Kettemann.


The 11th International Conferences on Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories
Local Organizers: R. Bishop, T. Brandes, K. Gernoth, N. Walet, Y. Xian.


First International WE Heraeus Summer school Mesoscopic physics - between photonic and electronic systems, Wittenberg(Germany), July 17- July 27, 2000.
Organizer: T. Brandes, S. Kettemann, J. Noeckel.


219. International WE Heraeus workshop Interactions and transport properties of lower dimensional systems, Hamburg (Germany), July 27-28, 1999.
Organizer: T. Brandes. The proceedings are available as `Low-Dimensional Systems: Interactions and Transport Properties' in  Lecture Notes in Physics (Ed. T. Brandes), Springer, 2000.

Co-organizer Localization 1999 conference, Hamburg (Germany).