Here, a good description is in Atkins/Friedman ch. 11.4.
For simplicity, we leave out the rotations here and just discuss electronic and vibrational transitions. In a classical picture (with respect to the large mass nuclear motion), one considers the two potential curves and and argues that the electronic transition occurs so fast that the nuclear system has no time to react: before and after the transition, the nuclear coordinate is the same. This, however, means that the distance from the equilibrium position after the transition and the distance from the equilibrium position before the transition are not the same: when the nuclei are in equilibrium before the transition ( ), their new coordinate relative to the new equilibrium is after the transition.
The total dipole moment operator is a sum of electronic and nuclear dipole moment,
(3.2) |
(3.3) |
(3.4) |
The transition between two electronic levels and is therefore determined by the dipole matrix element and the Franck-Condon factors , which are the overlap integrals of the corresponding vibronic states. As these states belong to different electronic states and , the overlaps are not zero, and there is also no selection rule for .