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Verschiedene FlüssigkristalleDiese Seite ist zur Zeit nur in Englisch verfügbar. An der Deutschen Übersetzung wird gearbeitet! Shown are space filling models of MBBA and the cyanobiphenyls 5CB, 5OCB, 8CB and 8OCB. You can use the mouse to rotate single molecules. Note that - due to the aromatic rings - the molecules are rather stiff and elongated. Thus we expected a model continuum of ellipsoidal rigid bodies, representing the single molecules, to yield a reasonable description of the liquid crystal. This assumption, in fact, holds true as long the molecules are "uniaxial", i.e. as long as there is a symmetry axis of revolution (well, more or less). However, if the molecule itself becomes biaxial, more complicated models are needed. A famous example is Chandrasekhar's biaxial liquid crystal ( S. Chandrasekhar et al.,J. Phys. Vol.30, No.5, May 1988, pp. L491-L494). |