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Phonons and Photons

We call the state $ \vert n\rangle$ of the harmonic oscillator with energy $ \hbar\omega(n+1/2)$ a state with $ n$ quanta $ \hbar \omega$ of energy plus the zero point energy $ \hbar \omega/2$. These quanta are called phonons for systems where massive particles have oscillatory degrees of freedom, the state $ \vert n\rangle$ is a $ n$-phonon state.
$\displaystyle \vert n\rangle \longleftrightarrow$   $\displaystyle \mbox{\rm$n$--phonon state}$$\displaystyle .$     (275)

The ladder operator $ a^{\dagger }$ operates as
$\displaystyle \fbox{$ \begin{array}{rcl} \displaystyle
a^{\dagger}\vert n\rangle&=&\sqrt{n+1}\vert n+1\rangle
\end{array}$\ }$     (276)

and creates a state with one more phonon which is why it is called a creation operator. In the same way, the operator $ a$,
$\displaystyle \fbox{$ \begin{array}{rcl} \displaystyle
a\vert n\rangle&=&\sqrt{n}\vert n-1\rangle
\end{array}$\ }$     (277)

leads to a state with one phonon less (it destroys one phonon) and is called a annihilation operator.

In a similar manner, the oscillatory degrees of freedom of the electromagnetic field (light) lead to a Hamiltonian like the one of the harmonic oscillator. The corresponding states are called $ n$-photon states. This is one of the topics of Quantum Mechanics II, the theory of light, and many-body theory. It is there where operators like the $ a$ and $ a^+$ show their full versatility and power.

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Tobias Brandes 2004-02-04