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In order to transform the master equation, we require the
-representation of terms
etc. Let us start with
Method 1: We follow Walls/Milburn and introduce Bargmann states
(72) |
(`coherent states without the normalisation factor in front').
(73) |
We use this to write
using integration by parts,
, and
assuming the vanishing of
at infinity. Comparison yields
(75) |
Method 2: Use the Metha formula for
Here, we generate
in the integral by differentiation with respect to the parameter
and subsequent compensation of the term aring from
, thus arriving even faster
at Eq.(7.76). Similarly,
For the terms
, the first method is easier:
In particular, for the master equation we need
The whole master equation is therefore transformed into
(78) |
Here, we have explicitely indicated that the
-function depends both on
and on the time
- The first order derivate terms are called drift terms, the second order
derivate terms diffusion term.
- This is not directly solvable by Fourier transformation:
-dependence of coefficients.
- Written in real coordinates, this has the form of a Fokker-Planck equation
(79) |
Next: Solution of the PDE
Up: -representation
Previous: Revision: -representation
Tobias Brandes