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Periodic Table

The ground states of atoms with \bgroup\color{col1}$ N=Z$\egroup electrons in the period table can now be understood by forming Slater determinants (`configurations') with \bgroup\color{col1}$ N$\egroup spin-orbitals \bgroup\color{col1}$ \vert\nu_i\rangle = \vert n_il_im_i\sigma_i\rangle$\egroup. The atoms are thus `built up' from these solutions. This is denoted as
{\rm H} & 1s & ^2S_{1/2}\\
{\rm He} & (1s...
... C} & ({\rm He})(2s)^2(2p)^2& ^3P_{0}\\
\end{array}\end{displaymath}     (1.9)

These are built up by `filling up the levels' with electrons. For a given \bgroup\color{col1}$ (n,l)$\egroup there are \bgroup\color{col1}$ 2(2l+1)$\egroup orbitals (2 spin states for each given \bgroup\color{col1}$ m$\egroup-value).

The spectroscopic description is given by the quantum numbers \bgroup\color{col1}$ S$\egroup, \bgroup\color{col1}$ L$\egroup, \bgroup\color{col1}$ J$\egroup (total spin, orbital, angular momentum) in the form

$\displaystyle ^{2S+1}L_J.$     (1.10)

Carbon is the first case where Hund's Rules kick in. These `rules' are rules and no strict theorems, but they seem to work well for the understanding of atoms. Here I cite them after Gasiorowicz (web-supplement)
  1. The state with largest $ S$ lies lowest: spin-symmetric WFs have anti-symmetric orbital WFs and therefore reduced electron-electron interaction.
  2. For a given value of $ S$, the state with maximum $ L$ lies lowest: the higher $ L$, the more lobes (and thereby mutual `escape routes' for interacting electrons) there are in the $ Y_{lm}$s.
  3. $ L$, $ S$ given. (i) not more than half-filled incomplete shell: $ J=\vert L-S\vert$; (ii) more than half-filled shell: $ J=L+S$: due to spin-orbit interaction.

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Tobias Brandes 2005-04-26