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Solution of the Differential Equation

Now we actually want to solve (4.5). We introduce dimensionless quantities
$\displaystyle q:=\sqrt{\frac{m\omega}{\hbar}}x,\quad \varepsilon :=\frac{E}{\hbar \omega},\quad \phi(q):=\psi(x).$     (230)

Then, (4.5) becomes
$\displaystyle \phi''(q)+(2\varepsilon -q^2)\phi(q)=0.$     (231)

For large $ q\to \infty$, one can neglect the term $ \propto \varepsilon$. This yields the asymptotic behaviour of $ \phi(q\to\pm\infty)$,
$\displaystyle \phi(q\to\pm\infty) \propto e^{\pm q^2/2},$     (232)

which you can check by differentiating
$\displaystyle \phi'(q\to\pm\infty) \propto \pm qe^{\pm q^2/2},\quad \phi''(q\to\pm\infty) \propto
\pm e^{\pm q^2/2} + q^2 e^{\pm q^2/2} \to q^2 e^{\pm q^2/2}.$     (233)

This roughly is an example of how an asymptotic analysis of a differential equation is performed; if you are interested for more mathematical details of the interesting theory of asymptotic analysis have a look at the book by Bender and Orszag.

We obviously have two different solutions: one grows to infinity as $ q\to\pm\infty$, while the other goes to zero. Wave functions have to be normalized which is impossible for the solution that grows to infinity. We exclude that solution and write $ \phi(q)$ as

$\displaystyle \phi(q)=e^{-q^2/2}h(q),$     (234)

which is an ANSATZ with an up to now unknown function $ h(q)$ that we wish to determine. To do so, we plug it into our differential equation (4.7) and use
$\displaystyle \phi'(q)$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle -q e^{-q^2/2}h(q) + e^{-q^2/2}h'(q)$  
$\displaystyle \phi''(q)$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle -e^{-q^2/2}h(q) +q^2 e^{-q^2/2}h(q) - 2 qe^{-q^2/2}h'(q)+ e^{-q^2/2}h''(q),$ (235)

which leads to
$\displaystyle h''(q)-2qh'(q)+(2\varepsilon -1) h(q) =0.$     (236)

We try to solve this by a power series
$\displaystyle h(q)$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} a_kq^k,\quad
h'(q)=\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} ka_kq^{k-1}$  
$\displaystyle h''(q)$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \sum_{k=2}^{\infty} k(k-1)a_{k}q^{k-2}=\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} (k+1)(k+2)a_{k+2}q^{k}.$ (237)

We insert these series into (4.12),
$\displaystyle \sum_{k=0}^{\infty}\left[
(k+1)(k+2)a_{k+2} -2k a_k +(2\varepsilon -1)a_k
\right]q^k=0.$     (238)

The left side of the equation must be zero for any value of $ q$ which can only be true if all the coefficients in $ [...]$ vanish. The powers $ q^k$ form an infinite basis $ q^0,q^1,q^2,q^3,...$; if any function expanded in this basis is zero, all expansion coefficients must be zero. From $ [...]=0$ in (4.14), we therefore have
$\displaystyle a_{k+2}=\frac{2k - 2\varepsilon +1}{(k+1)(k+2)}a_k.$     (239)

This is a recursion relation for the coefficients $ a_k$. For large $ k\to \infty$, one has
$\displaystyle a_{k+2}\approx \frac{2}{k}{a_k},\quad k\to\infty,$     (240)

unless the $ a_k$ become zero above some $ k=n$. The infinite power series $ h(q)$ becomes asymptotical equal to the exponential function $ e^{q^2}$ for large $ q$: consider
$\displaystyle e^{q^2}=\sum_{j}\frac{q^{2j}}{j!}\leadsto \quad [k=2j$   even$\displaystyle ]
\frac{a_{k+2}}{a_k}=\frac{(k/2)!}{(k/2+1)!}=\frac{1}{k/2+1}\to \frac{2}{k},\quad k\to \infty.$     (241)

Now, this is obviously not what we had intended with our Ansatz, because this would mean that the wave function $ \phi(q)= e^{-q^2/2}h(q)\to e^{q^2/2}$ which means that it is no longer normalizable. The only possibility for a solution $ \phi(q)$ that vanishes as $ q\to\pm\infty$ therefore is obtained by demanding that the $ a_k$ become zero above some $ n=k$ whence $ h(q)$ becomes a polynomial of finite degree. For this to be the case, the numerator in (4.15) has to vanish for some $ k=n$ which means

$\displaystyle 2\varepsilon = 2n+1\leadsto \varepsilon\equiv \varepsilon_n=n+\frac{1}{2}.$     (242)

The possible energy values $ E$ are therefore
$\displaystyle E\equiv E_n = \hbar \omega \left( n+\frac{1}{2}\right),\quad n=0,1,2,3,...$     (243)

This is the famous quantization of the energy of the harmonic oscillator, which Planck had postulated to explain the blackbody radiation in 1900!

For each non-negative integer $ n$ we obtain one energy eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenfunction $ \phi_n(q)=h_n(q)e^{-q^2/2}$ from the finite recursion formula (4.15) for the polynomial $ h_n(q)$. Here, we already use the index $ n$ to denote the $ n$-th solution. The polynomials $ h(q)$ fulfill the differential equation (4.12) with $ 2\varepsilon=n$, that is

$\displaystyle h''(q)-2qh'(q)+ 2 n h(q) =0.$     (244)

Figure: Lowest eigenstate wave functions $ \psi_n(x)$, Eq.(4.21) of the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator potential $ V(x)=(1/2)m\omega^2x^2$ (black curve). Wave functions are in units $ (m\omega/\pi\hbar)^{1/4}$. The curves have an offset for clarity.
\epsfxsize =12cm
The polynomials $ h_n(q)$ that fulfill (4.20) are called Hermite polynomials $ H_n(q)$ if they are normalized such that the wavefunctions $ \psi_n(x)=\phi_n(q)$ are normalized: the result for the normalized eigenfunctions $ \psi_n(x)$ with eigenenergy $ E_n$, that is the solutions of (4.5), is
$\displaystyle \fbox{$ \begin{array}{rcl} \displaystyle
H_n(q)&=&(-1)^n e^{q^2}\frac{d^n}{dq^n}e^{-q^2}.
\end{array}$\ }$     (245)

We do not prove the explicit form of the Hermite polynomials here; in the next section we will learn an alternative method to calculate the $ E_n$ and the $ \psi_n(x)$ anyway. Here, we calculate $ H_n(x)$ for the first $ n$, using (4.21) (denote $ q$ by $ x$ here)
$\displaystyle H_0(x)$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle 1$  
$\displaystyle H_1(x)$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle 2x$  
$\displaystyle H_2(x)$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle 4x^2 -2$  
$\displaystyle H_3(x)$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle 8x^3-12 x$  
$\displaystyle H_4(x)$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle 16x^4-48 x^2 + 12.$ (246)

The lowest eigenfuncions $ \psi_n(x)$ are shown in Fig. (4.1).

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Tobias Brandes 2004-02-04