Tobias Brandes |
My research areas are quantum theory, many-body physics, and mesoscopics. At the moment, my main interests are in models for quantum optical, quantum coherent, and many-body effects, mainly in electronic systems. Recent works are on
- Electronic transport and noise in
mesoscopic systems.
- Quantum entanglement, quantum chaos, and
quantum phase transitions in the Dicke model.
Quantum optical and coherent phenomena in electronic transport,
adiabatic steering.
- AC driven mesoscopic transport.
Interactions in quantum wires.
Coherent and
Collective Quantum Optical Effects in Mesoscopic Systems
pages, 57 figures. Physics Reports 408/5-6, pp. 315-474
(2005), T. Brandes [html],
Scientific Genealogy:
Brandes (1994) - Bernhard
Kramer (1967) – Otfried
Madelung (1950) – Werner Heisenberg (1923) – Arnold Sommerfeld
(1891) – Carl Lindemann (1873) - Christian Felix Klein (1868) –
Julius Pluecker (1823) – Christian Ludwig Gerling (1812) – Carl
Friedrich Gauss (1799).
Recent Projects:
- Quantum chaos, quantum phase
transitions, and entanglement in spin-boson systems (with C.
Emary, San Diego; N. Lambert, Manchester).
- Dicke
superradiance effects in electronic systems; adiabatic steering,
decoherence in double dot qubits (with
T. Vorrath, Hamburg).
- Nonlinear electron transport
theory, AC effects, noise and dissipation in coupled quantum
dots (with R. Aguado, Madrid; G. Platero,
- Phonons in free-standing structures,
suppression of decoherence in artificial qubits (with
S. Debald, Hamburg, and E. Hoehberger, R. H. Blick, Munich).
- Coherent population trapping and dark resonances (with
B. Sanchez, Manchester and F. Renzoni, now UCL).
- Mesoscopic
transport- and scattering-theories in photon/phonon cavities
(with N. Lambert, J. Robinson, Manchester).
- Superradiance
and Entanglement of Quantum Dot Excitons (with
Y. N. Chen, D. S. Chuu, Taiwan).
Nanoparticle suspensions in critical fluids, charging effects in
electrolytes (with L. Lue, Manchester and Y. Ding, Leeds)
PhD students:
Jin Jun Liang, Manchester (05-): Many-body effects and entanglement in quantum transport.
Neill Lambert, Manchester (02-05): Critical entanglement and noise in mesoscopic systems.
Stefan Debald, Hamburg (01-05, with B.
Kramer): Interaction and confinement in nanostructures: spin-orbit
coupling and electron-phonon scattering.
Till Vorrath, Hamburg
(00-04, with B. Kramer) : Dissipation-induced collective effects in
two-level systems.
Bernardo Sanchez, Manchester (00-03): Driven
Three-Level Systems with Damping
Clive Emary, Manchester (2001-2003):
quantum coherence, quantum chaos, and quantum phase transitions in
coupled spin-boson systems.
Research Student
Jin Jun Liang, Manchester
(2003): SU(N) Dicke models.
Current grants:
DFG Br 1528/4-1 (2 PhD
EPSRC GR/R44690/01 (2002-2003, 1 Postdoc)
Heraeus grant No. 283 (workshop organisation, 09/2002)
Foundation research student grant (2003).