Tobias Brandes |
Recent work
Coherent and
Collective Quantum Optical Effects in Mesoscopic Systems
pages, 57 figures. Physics Reports 408/5-6, pp. 315-474
(2005), T. Brandes [html]
Advanced control with a Cooper-pair box:
stimulated Raman adiabatic passage and Fock-state generation in a
nano-mechanical resonator
submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett., J.
Siewert, T. Brandes, G. Falci [cond-mat/0509735]
Spin relaxation in a GaAs quantum dot embedded
inside a suspended phonon cavity
to Phys. Rev. B, Y. Y Liao, Y. N. Chen, D. S. Chuu, T. Brandes
Current noise of a
quantum dot p-i-n junction in a photonic crystal
Phys. Rev.
B 72, 153312 (2005), Y. N. Chen, D. S. Chuu, T. Brandes [pdf]
Current Noise Spectrum of Open Charge Qubits
Conf. Proc. 780, 413 (2005), R. Aguado, N. Lambert, T.
Dynamics of a Large Spin with Strong
Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 070402 (2005), T.
Vorrath, T. Brandes [pdf]
Entanglement in quantum catastrophes
Rev. A 71, 062302 (2005), C. Emary, N.
Lambert, T. Brandes [quant-ph/0503160]
Proposal for teleportation of charge qubits via
New Journ. Phys. 7,
172 (2005), Y .N. Chen, C. M. Li, D.S. Chuu, T. Brandes
Entanglement and entropy in a spin-boson quantum
phase transition
Phys. Rev. A
71, 053804 (2005), N. Lambert, C. Emary, T.
Brandes [quant-ph/0405109]]
Current fluctuation spectrum in dissipative
solid-state qubits,
Eur. Phys. J. B 40 357 ( 2004), R.
Aguado, T. Brandes [pdf]
Shot Noise Spectrum of Open Dissipative Quantum
Two-Level Systems
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92,
(2004), R. Aguado, T. Brandes [cond-mat/0310578]
Application of adiabatic passage in solid-state
Advances in Solid State Physics 44
(Ed. B. Kramer), Springer, Heidelberg (2004), p. 181, J.
Siewert, T. Brandes [pdf]
Phase Transitions in Generalised Spin-Boson
(Dicke) Models
Phys. Rev. A 69, 053804
(2004), C. Emary, T. Brandes
Effects of cavity and superradiance on the
electrical transport through quantum dots
"Progress in Quantum Dot Research", Nova Science Publishers
(2004, to appear), Y. N. Chen, D. S. Chuu, T. Brandes
Entanglement and the Phase Transition in Single
Mode Superradiance
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 073602
(2004), N. Lambert, C. Emary, T. Brandes [quant-ph/0309027]
Single electron-phonon interaction in a suspended
quantum dot phonon cavity
Phys. Rev.
Lett. 92, 046804 (2004), E.
M. Weig, R. H. Blick, T. Brandes, J. Kirschbaum, W. Wegscheider, M.
Bichler, J. P. Kotthaus [cond-mat/0304136][pdf]
Charge Transport Through Open, Driven Two-Level
Systems with Dissipation
Phys. Rev. B 69,
205326 (2004) , T. Brandes, R. Aguado, G. Platero
of a Large Spin with Weak Dissipation
Chemical Physics
296, 295 (2004), T. Vorrath, T. Brandes, B. Kramer
(The Spin-Boson Problem: From Electron Transfer to Quantum
Computing ... to the 60th Birthday of Professor Ulrich Weiss)
Shot noise spectrum of superradiant entangled
Phys. Rev. B 69,
245323 (2004), Y. N. Chen, T. Brandes, C.M. Lim, D. S. Chuu
Matrix perturbation theory for driven three-level
systems with damping
Annalen der Physik 13, 569
(2004), B. Sanchez, T. Brandes [pdf]
Fluctuation induced effects in confined
electrolyte solutions
T. Brandes, L. Lue [cond-mat/0311375]
Boson Cavities: From Electronic Transport to
Quantum Chaos
Advances in Solid State Physics 43, pp.63-78
, Ed. B. Kramer, Springer (Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 2003),
invited contribution; T. Brandes [pdf]
Chaos and the Quantum Phase Transition in the
Dicke Model
Phys. Rev. E 67,
066203 (2003); C. Emary, T. Brandes [cond-mat/0301273]
Quantum Chaos Triggered by Precursors of a Quantum
Phase Transition: The Dicke Model
Rev. Lett. 90, 044101 (2003);
C. Emary, T. Brandes [cond-mat/0207290]
Current Detection of Superradiance and Induced
Entanglement of Double Quantum Dot Excitons
Rev. Lett. 90 , 166802 (2003); Y. N. Chen, D.
S. Chuu, T. Brandes [cond-mat/0212234]
Steering of a Bosonic Mode with a Double Quantum
Phys. Rev. B 67,
125323 (2003); T. Brandes, N. Lambert
Dicke Effect in the Tunnel Current Through Two
Double Quantum Dots
Phys. Rev. B
68 035309 (2003); T.
Vorrath, T. Brandes [pdf]
Transmission Through a Quantum Dynamical Delta
phys. stat. sol. (b) 234,
No.1, 378 (2002, invited contribution to Festschrift on the occasion
of the 60th Birthday of R. Zimmermann); T. Brandes, J. Robinson
[pdf] [cond-mat/0212527]
Chaos and Phase Transitions in Quantum Dots
Coupled to Bosons
in: Physics of
Semiconductors 2002, Proceedings of the 26th ICPS, Edinburgh,
29.7-2.8.2002, IoP Conference Series 171, Ed. A R Long and J.
H. Davies, IoP (Bristol, Philadelphia), H138 (6 pages); C.
Emary, T. Brandes [pdf]
Adiabatic Steering of Quantum Dot Based Qubits
in: Physics of Semiconductors 2002, Proceedings
of the 15th SemiMag, Oxford, 5.8-9.8. 2002, IoP Conference
Series 171, Ed. A R Long and J. H. Davies, IoP (Bristol,
Philadelphia), C43 (6 pages);; T. Brandes [pdf]
Phonon Cavity Models for Quantum Dot Based Qubits
in: Physics of Semiconductors 2002, Proceedings
of the 26th ICPS, Edinburgh, 29.7-2.8.2002, IoP Conference Series
171, Ed. A R Long and J. H. Davies, IoP (Bristol,
Philadelphia), D197 (8 pages); T.
Vorrath, S. Debald, B. Kramer, T. Brandes
Adiabatic Transfer of Electrons in Coupled Quantum
Rev. B 66, 075341 (2002);
T. Brandes, T. Vorrath [cond-mat/0207257]
Control of Dephasing and Phonon Emission in
Coupled Quantum Dots
Phys. Rev. B
(Rapid Comm.) 66, 041301(R) (2002), S. Debald,
T. Brandes, B. Kramer [cond-mat/0204444][pdf]
Charge transport through quantum dots via
time-varying tunnel couplings
Rev. B 64, 245301 (2001) ; F. Renzoni, T.
Brandes [cond-mat/0109335][pdf]
Dissipation in open two-level systems:
perturbation theory and polaron transformation
`Recent Progress in Many-Body Theory MB11', ed. R. Bishop, T.
Brandes, K. Gernoth, N. Walet, and Y. Xian; World Scientific
(Singapore), 2002; T. Brandes, T. Vorrath
Nonlinear electron transport through double
quantum dots coupled to confined phonons
`Recent Progress in Many-Body Theory MB11', ed. R. Bishop, T.
Brandes, K. Gernoth, N. Walet, and Y. Xian; World Scientific
(Singapore), 2002; S. Debald, T. Brandes, B. Kramer [pdf]
Dynamics of a large-spin-boson system in the
strong coupling regime
`Recent Progress in Many-Body Theory MB11', ed. R. Bishop, T.
Brandes, K. Gernoth, N. Walet, and Y. Xian; World Scientific
(Singapore), 2002; T. Vorrath, T. Brandes, B. Kramer
Adiabatic steering and determination of dephasing
rates in double-dot qubits
Phys. Rev.
B 64, 035319 (2001) ; T. Brandes, F. Renzoni, and R.
H. Blick [pdf]
Quantum optics in transport: Dicke effect
and dark resonances in dots and wires
Article (21 pages) in: Interacting Electrons in Nanostructures
Lecture Notes in Physics, ed: R. Haug and H. Schoeller, 2001);
T. Brandes [ps.gz]
Phonons and phonon confinement in transport
through double quantum dots,
Int. Conf. Phys. Semicond., Osaka 2000 ( Springer Proceedings in
Physics 87, 1049, ed: N. Miura, T. Ando, 2000); S. Debald,
T. Vorrath, T. Brandes, B. Kramer [ps]
Current switch by coherent trapping of electrons
in quantum dots
Phys. Rev. Lett. 85,
4148 (2000); T. Brandes, F. Renzoni. [pdf]
Dicke effect and spontaneous emission in coupled
quantum dots
Physica B
284-288, 1774 (2000); T. Brandes, B. Kramer. [ps]
Phonon emission from coupled quantum dots
Physica B 272, 42 (1999); T. Brandes,
B. Kramer. [pdf]
Spontaneous emission of phonons by coupled quantum
Phys. Rev. Lett. 83,
3021 (1999).; T. Brandes, B. Kramer
Dicke Superradiance in a magnetoplasma
Physica B 272, 341 (1999);
T. Brandes, J. Inoue, and A. Shimizu. [pdf][cond-mat/9908448].
Dicke superradiance in electronic systems coupled
to reservoirs
In: The physics of
Semiconductors-24th ICPS, edited by D. Gershoni (World Scientific,
Singapore, 1999); T. Brandes, J. Inoue, A. Shimizu.
Oscillatory behavior of a superradiating system
coupled to electron reservoirs
Rev. Lett. 80, 3952 (1998); T. Brandes, J. Inoue,
and A. Shimizu [pdf][cond-mat/9803133].
Excitons, superconductivity
Decay rate and renormalized frequency shift of a
quantum wire Wannier exciton in a planar microcavity
Phys. Rev. B 64, 125307 (2001)
; Yueh-Nan Chen, Der-San Chuu, T. Brandes, B. Kramer. [pdf]
Renormalized versus unrenormalized interactions of
excitons in a quantum well
Lumin. 87,244 (2000); J. Inoue, T. Brandes, and A.
Renormalized Bosonic Interaction of Excitons
Phys. Rev. B 61, 2863 (2000); J.
Inoue, T. Brandes, and A. Shimizu. [pdf][cond-mat/9905085]
New superconducting phase in a two-component
Fermion system
Physica B 284,
443 (2000); T. Brandes, M. Shigemori, A. Shimizu, and J. Inoue.
Strong enhancement of superconducting correlation
in a two-component fermion gas
Phys. Soc. Jap. Letters 68, 2194 (1999);
M. Shigemori, A. Shimizu, T. Brandes, and J. Inoue.
Effective Hamiltonian for Excitons with Spin
Degrees of Freedom
Phys. Soc. Jap. Letters 67, 3384 (1998);
J. Inoue, T. Brandes, and A. Shimizu. [pdf][cond-mat/9809026]
Time-dependent effects in quantum transport
Potential scattering and screening in
time-dependent fields
In: The physics
of Semiconductors-24th ICPS, edited by D. Gershoni (World Scientific,
Singapore, 1999); T. Brandes, M. Sassetti,B. Kramer. [ps]
Static potential renormalization in time-dependent
Annalen der Physik 7,
120 (1998); T. Brandes.
Truncation method for Green's functions in
time-dependent fields
Phys. Rev. B
56, 1213 (1997); T. Brandes [pdf][ps(zip)][cond-mat/9704097]
Corrections to the Drude conductivity in systems
under microwave irradiation
in Quantum
Transport in Semiconductor Submicron structures, 291, 353
Ed. by B. Kramer, North-Holland,
Kluwer Academic Publishers; T. Brandes.
Boltzmann equation approach for transport in
systems subject to microwave irradiation
Lett. 33(8), 629(1996); T. Brandes [cond-mat/9512100].
Frequency dependent conductance of tunnel
Europhy. Lett. 22,
51 (1993); T. Brandes, D. Weinmann, B. Kramer.
A note on dephasing and pairbreaking
Z. Phys. B 87, 89 (1992); W.
Zwerger, T. Brandes.
Interaction effects in quantum wires
Interaction Effects in Multi-Subband Quantum Wires
Phys. Soc. Jap. Letters 65, 3712 (1996); A. Kawabata,
T. Brandes [cond-mat/9610211][dvi]
Conductance increase by electron-phonon
interaction in quantum wires
Rev. B 54, 4444(1996); T. Brandes, A. Kawabata
Electron-Phonon Interaction in the Transport
Properties of Quantum Wires
Lett. 29, 481(1995), J. Wrobel, T. Brandes, F.
Kuchar, B. Kramer, K. Ismail, K.Y. Lee, H. Hillmer, W. Schlapp, T.
Electron-phonon scattering in quantum wires in a
magnetic field
Proc. 22th ICPS (ed.
D.J. Lockwood, World Scientific) (1994); T. Brandes, B. Kramer.
Interaction and transport in Nanostructures
Semicond. Sci. and Techn. 9,
1871 (1994) B. Kramer, T. Brandes, W. Haeusler, K.
Jauregui, D. Weinmann.
Crossover for acoustical phonon scattering in
quantum wires
Solid St. Comm. 88,
773 (1993); T. Brandes, B. Kramer.
Multifractality and inelastic scattering at the metal-insulator transition
Critical dynamics and multifractal exponents at
the Anderson transition in 3d disordered systems
der Physik 5, 633 (1996); T. Brandes, B. Huckestein, L.
Schweitzer [cond-mat/9605062].
Temperature-dependent broadening of $rho_xx$-peaks
and inelastic scattering in the integer quantum Hall effect
Physica B 216, 369 (1996); T. Brandes,
L Schweitzer, B. Kramer.
Inelastic scattering, multifractality, and scaling
in the integer quantum Hall effect
Rev. B 52, 8391 (1995); T. Brandes.
Scaling and inelastic scattering in the integer
quantum Hall effect
Nato ASI Series E
(ed. H. Caldeira et al), 291, 115 (1994); T.
Brandes, L Schweitzer, B. Kramer.
Scaling and temperature-dependent broadening of
the $rho_xx$-peaks in the IQHE
11th Int. Conf. High Magnetic fields (World Scientific, 1994); T.
Brandes, L Schweitzer, B. Kramer.
Multifractal wave functions and inelastic
scattering in the integer quantum Hall effect
Rev. Lett. 72, 3582 (1994); T. Brandes, L Schweitzer, B.
Books etc
The Dicke Effect in Electronic Systems
Brandes, (Habilitation Thesis, University of Hamburg 2000, 188
pages) [pdf]
of Inelastic Processes in Quantum Transport
Brandes, PhD Thesis, University of Hamburg, Germany, PTB-Bericht
1994, ISBN 3-89429-556-2.
Low-Dimensional Systems: Interactions and
Transport Properties
Lecture Notes in
Physics (ed. T. Brandes), Springer, Heidelberg 2000.
Anderson Localization and Its
Lecture Notes in Physics 630
(ed. T. Brandes, S. Kettemann), Springer, Heidelberg 2003.