
last updated 17 08 2005
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Program changes
Additional talk in Minisymposium M1 (PN 201)
Monday, 25th July
M 1.4 | 12:30 | Multi-stable pattern formation in the visual cortex (abstract, pdf-file) |
| Fred Wolf (Göttingen, Germany) |
Plenary Invited Talks I4 and I6 (PN 201) have been exchanged.
Tuesday, 26th July
I 4 | 9:45 | Using dissipative spatial structures to achieve ultra-low-light-level optical switching |
| Daniel J. Gauthier (Duke University, USA) |
Wednesday, 27th July
I 6 | 9:00 | Crackling noise: from magnets to earthquakes |
| Karin Dahmen (Urbana Champaign, USA) |
Change of Speaker in Contributed Session C7 (PN 201)
Thursday, 28th July
C 7.3 | 12:30 | Selforganization in communication networks and beyond |
| Martin Greiner (Munich, Germany) |