Opening Session (PN 201) |
9:00 |
Opening adress |
Plenary Invited Talk (PN 201) |
9:30 |
Development of novel brain stimulation techniques with methods from nonlinear physics Peter A. Tass (Jülich, Germany) |
I 1 |
10:15 |
Coffee Break |
M1 Minisymposium: Neurodynamics (PN 201) |
Organizer: Theo Geisel (Göttingen) |
11:00 |
Mesoscopic spatial activity patterns in sensory neocortex: from the physiology of perception to the construction of cortex-machine-interfaces M. Deliano (Magdeburg, Germany) |
M 1.1 |
11:30 |
Contour integration -- from probabilistic models to non-linear neural dynamics U. Ernst (Bremen, Germany) |
M 1.2 |
12:00 |
Spatiotemporal dynamics of networks with spatially decaying connectivity Nicolas Brunel (Paris, France) |
M 1.3 |
12:30 |
Multi-stable pattern formation in the visual cortex Fred Wolf (Göttingen, Germany) |
M 1.4 |
M2 Minisymposium: Nonlinear Quantum Dynamics (PN 202) |
Organizer: Fritz Haake (Essen) |
11:00 |
Focusing light with unstable manifolds Harald G. L. Schwefel (New Haven, USA) |
M 2.1 |
11:30 |
Ehrenfest time dependence of electrical conduction through a chaotic quantum dot J. Tworzydío (Warsaw, Poland) |
M 2.2 |
12:00 |
Fidelity recovery in chaotic systems and the Debye-Waller factor H.-J. Stöckmann (Marburg, Germany) |
M 2.3 |
12:30 |
Semiclassical Foundation of Universality in Quantum Chaos Sebastian Müller (Essen, Germany) |
M 2.4 |
13:00 |
Lunch Break |
C1 Nonlinearity and Dynamics in Biology (PN 201) |
14:00 |
Chemotactic collapse and mesenchymal morphogenesis C. Escudero (Madrid, Spain) |
C 1.1 |
14:20 |
Fractional transport of tumor cells A. Iomin (Haifa, Israel) |
C 1.2 |
14:40 |
Hydrodynamic Interactions Support Bundling of Helical Flagella H. Stark (Konstanz, Germany) |
C 1.3 |
15:00 |
Spatiotemporal pattern formation through molecular-level self-organization in an array of molecular machines V. Casagrande (Berlin, Germany) |
C 1.4 |
15:20 |
Parameter estimation in self-organized critical epidemics N. Stollenwerk (Jülich, Germany) |
C 1.5 |
15:40 |
Epidemic outbreaks in a network of cities with distributed sizes B. Blasius (Potsdam, Germany) |
C 1.6 |
C2 Quantum Chaos (PN 202) |
14:00 |
Semiclassical theory of weak antilocalization and spin relaxation in chaotic and integrable billiards Oleg Zaitsev (Regensburg, Germany) |
C 2.1 |
14:20 |
Flooding of regular islands by chaotic states A. Bäcker (Dresden, Germany) |
C 2.2 |
14:40 |
Quasiscarred and scarred resonances in chaotic microcavities Soo-Young Lee (Daejeon, Korea) |
C 2.3 |
15:00 |
General Approach to the Quantum Kicked Particle in a Magnetic Field: Quantum-Antiresonance Transition Itzhack Dana (Ramat-Gan, Israel) |
C 2.4 |
15:20 |
Chaotic-to-regular crossover of shot noise in mesoscopic conductors Florian Aigner (Vienna, Austria) |
C 2.5 |
15:40 |
The classical dynamics near the triple collision in two-electron atoms Gregor Tanner (Nottingham, UK) |
C 2.6 |
C3 Pattern Formation I (PN 203) |
14:00 |
Theory of traveling filaments in bistable semiconductors Pavel Rodin (St.-Petersburg, Russia) |
C 3.1 |
14:20 |
The effect of diffusion and external electric field on the formation of patterns in electric discharges M. A. Fontelos (Madrid, Spain) |
C 3.2 |
14:40 |
Oscillatory and chaotic shape evolution of electromigration-driven islands Philipp Kuhn (Köln, Germany) |
C 3.3 |
15:00 |
Quasi regular target waves in disordered oscillatory media R. Tönjes (Potsdam, Germany) |
C 3.4 |
15:20 |
Topological interactions and self-organization in anisotropic quasi two-dimensional emulsions Ralf Stannarius (Magdeburg, Germany) |
C 3.5 |
15:40 |
Instabilities of pulses close to the transition between trigger and phase waves G. Bordiougov (Berlin, Germany) |
C 3.6 |
16:00 |
Coffee Break |
M3 Minisymposium: Dynamics in Cell Biology (PN 201) |
Organizer: Lev Tsimring (San Diego) |
16:30 |
Modeling and identification of complex cellular networks: Cell cycle regulation Jörg Stelling (Zürich, Switzerland) |
M 3.1 |
17:00 |
Intracellular Ca2+: A stochastic medium Rüdiger Thul (Berlin, Germany) |
M 3.2 |
17:30 |
Delay-Induced Stochastic Oscillations in Gene Regulation L.S. Tsimring (San Diego, USA) |
M 3.3 |
M4 Minisymposium: Patterns and Control (PN 202) |
Organizer: Stefania Residori (Nice) |
16:30 |
Universal Behaviour of Pattern Formation in Planar Gas-Discharge Systems Hans-Georg Purwins (Münster, Germany) |
M 4.1 |
17:00 |
Control of Optical Localized Structures in a Liquid-Crystal-Light-Valve with Optical Feedback U. Bortolozzo (Nice, France) |
M 4.2 |
17:30 |
Characterization and control of transverse patterns in nonlinear optics Ph. Jander (Münster, Germany) |
M 4.3 |
Plenary Invited Talk (PN 201) |
18:00 |
Sudden Onset of Corrosion as a Cooperative Critical Phenomenon J.L. Hudson (Charlottesville, USA) |
I 2 |
Poster Session I and Welcome Reception (Poster Area A + B) |
18:45 - 21:00 |
Posters P1.1 - P1.127 |
Plenary Invited Talks (PN 201) |
9:00 |
Some Milnor attractors for dynamical systems with symmetries Peter Ashwin (Exeter, UK) |
I 3 |
9:45 |
Using dissipative spatial structures to achieve ultra-low-light-level optical switching Daniel J. Gauthier (Duke University, USA) |
I 4 |
10:30 |
Coffee Break |
M5 Minisymposium: Noise-induced Phenomena (PN 201) |
Organizer: Alexander Neiman (Athens/Ohio) |
11:00 |
Stochastic resonance in non-Markovian systems I. Goychuk (Augsburg, Germany) |
M 5.1 |
11:30 |
Signal processing in coupled stochastic systems Jordi Garcia-Ojalvo (Terrassa, Spain) |
M 5.2 |
12:00 |
Control of noise-induced oscillations N.B. Janson (Loughborough, UK) |
M 5.3 |
M6 Minisymposium: Complex Growth Phenomena (PN 202) |
Organizer: Joachim Krug (Köln) |
11:00 |
Pattern formation during solidification: Insights from phase-field modelling Mathis Plapp (Palaiseau, France) |
M 6.1 |
11:30 |
The Morphometry and Coarsening Dynamics of Faceted Crystal Surfaces Stephen J. Watson (Evanston, USA) |
M 6.2 |
12:00 |
Long time scale atomistic simulations of crystal growth G. Henkelman (Austin, USA) |
M 6.3 |
12:30 |
Lunch Break |
C4 Chaos Control (PN 201) |
14:00 |
Secret encryption keys by synchronization of chaotic systems W. Kinzel (Würzburg, Germany) |
C 4.1 |
14:20 |
Synchronization in complex networks with age ordering Dong-Uk Hwang (Firenze, Italy) |
C 4.2 |
14:40 |
Control of Spatio-temporal Chaos in Parametrically Excited Surface Waves T. Epstein (Jerusalem, Israel) |
C 4.3 |
15:00 |
Oscillation Suppression in Coupled Oscillators with Topologically Different Attractors and Its Application to a Chaotic Nd:YAG Laser Chil-Min Kim (Daejeon, Korea) |
C 4.4 |
15:20 |
Control of unstable filaments in 3D excitable media Sergio Alonso (Berlin, Germany) |
C 4.5 |
15:40 |
Influence of measurement delay and impulse length in Poincare based chaos control Jens Christian Claussen (Kiel, Germany) |
C 4.6 |
C5 Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics and Stochastic Processes (PN 202) |
14:00 |
The Fluctuation Theorem Denis J. Evans (Canberra Australia) |
C 5.1 |
14:20 |
Phase space transition state theory and conduits for reaction in multidimensional systems H. Waalkens (Bristol, UK) |
C 5.2 |
14:40 |
Modeling fast Hamiltonian chaos by suitable stochastic processes Anja Riegert (Dresden, Germany) |
C 5.3 |
15:00 |
Rectifying thermal fluctuations in colloidal suspensions of magnetic particles Andreas Engel (Oldenburg, Germany) |
C 5.4 |
15:20 |
Nonequilibrium potential: its role in stochastic resonance in exited systems Horacio S. Wio (Santander, Spain) |
C 5.5 |
15:40 |
Noise-induced bursting in electroreceptors Alexander Neiman (Ohio, USA) |
C 5.6 |
C6 Complex Growth / Time Series Analysis (PN 203) |
14:00 |
Nonlinear dynamics of step bunches Joachim Krug (Köln, Germany) |
C 6.1 |
14:20 |
Spatial dynamics and formation of solidification fronts in a phase-field model with phase-dependent heat absorption K.B. Blyuss (Exeter, UK) |
C 6.2 |
14:40 |
A Growth Process with Oblique Incidence G. Pruessner (Blacksburg, USA) |
C 6.3 |
15:00 |
Revealing Non-linearities in Data Sets via the Analysis of Fourier Phase Coupling R. Monetti (Garching, Germany) |
C 6.4 |
15:20 |
Coupled Langevin equations for the North Atlantic Oscillation P.G. Lind (Stuttgart, Germany) |
C 6.5 |
15:40 |
Brownian Motion of Migrating Cells? R. Klages (London, UK) |
C 6.6 |
16:00 |
Coffee Break |
M7 Minisymposium: Chaos Control (PN 201) |
Organizer: Stefano Boccaletti (Firenze) |
16:30 |
Analytical treatment of delayed feedback control method for weakly nonlinear dynamical systems K. Pyragas (Vilnius, Lithuania) |
M 7.1 |
17:00 |
Probing global properties of time-delayed feedback control in electronic circuits Hartmut Benner (Darmstadt, Germany) |
M 7.2 |
17:30 |
Experimental targeting and control of spatiotemporal chaos in non linear optics S. Boccaletti (Firenze, Italy) |
M 7.3 |
M8 Minisymposium: Turbulence (PN 202) |
Organizer: Rudolf Friedrich (Münster) |
16:30 |
Statistics of the Lagrangian acceleration in a turbulent flow N. Mordant (Paris, France) |
M 8.1 |
17:00 |
On different cascade-speeds for longitudinal and transverse structures of turbulence Joachim Peinke (Oldenburg, Germany) |
M 8.2 |
17:30 |
Large scale structures in Rayleigh-Bénard convection at high Rayleigh numbers A. Tilgner (Göttingen, Germany) |
M 8.3 |
Plenary Invited Talk (PN 201) |
18:00 |
Time-delayed feedback control of chaos: towards a global perspective Wolfram Just (London, UK) |
I 5 |
Poster Session II and Buffet (Poster Area A + B) |
18:45 - 21:00 |
Posters 2.1 - 2.133 |
19:30 |
Concert and Exhibition ``Music Complexes'' (PN 115) |
Plenary Invited Talks (PN 201) |
9:00 |
Crackling noise: from magnets to earthquakes Karin Dahmen (Urbana Champaign, USA) |
I 6 |
9:45 |
Dynamics of Traveling Patterns under Spatio-Temporal Forcing Takao Ohta (Kyoto, Japan) |
I 7 |
10:30 |
Coffee Break |
M9 Minisymposium: Stability of Nonlinear Waves (PN 201) |
Organizer: Arnd Scheel (Minneapolis) |
11:00 |
Exchange of stability in systems with marginally stable continuous spectrum M. Kunze (Essen, Germany) |
M 9.1 |
11:30 |
Asymptotic stability of solitary waves in models of water wave dynamics Robert Pego (Pittsburgh, USA) |
M 9.2 |
12:00 |
The structure of essential and absolute spectra, and their computation by continuation Jens D.M. Rademacher (Vancouver, Canada) |
M 9.3 |
M10 Minisymposium: Nonlinear Optical Systems (PN 202) |
Organizer: Bernd Krauskopf (Bristol) |
11:00 |
Semiconductor Lasers with Integrated Optical Delay: A Nonlinear Dynamics Laboratory Hans-Jürgen Wünsche (Berlin, Germany) |
M 10.1 |
11:30 |
Nonlinear Dynamics of Mutually Delay-Coupled Semiconductor Lasers I. Fischer (Brussel, Belgium) |
M 10.2 |
12:00 |
Coherent optical feedback with time delay in semiconductor lasers Daan Lenstra (Amsterdam, Netherlands) |
M 10.3 |
12:30 |
Lunch Break |
13:45 |
Conference Excursion (buses leave in front of Physics Building) |
18:30 |
Conference Dinner |
Plenary Invited Talk (PN 201) |
9:00 |
Feeling and Influencing Active Intracellular Polymer Networks with Light - From a Biological Cell′s Polymer Physics to Early Cancer Diagnosis and Nerve Regeneration Josef A. Käs (Leipzig, Germany) |
I 8 |
9:45 |
Quantum chaos in semiconductor superlattices T.M. Fromhold (Nottingham, UK) |
I 9 |
10:30 |
Coffee Break |
M11 Minisymposium: Nonlinear Dynamics of Nanosystems (PN 201) |
Organizer: Heinz Georg Schuster (Kiel) |
11:00 |
Nonlinear Dynamics in Nanosystems P. Gaspard (Brussels, Belgium) |
M 11.1 |
11:20 |
Dynamics of Nonlinear Coupled Nanomechanical Resonators Ron Lifshitz (Tel Aviv, Israel) |
M 11.2 |
11:40 |
Nonlinear Dynamics in Crystal Growth A. Voigt (Bonn, Germany) |
M 11.3 |
12:00 |
Panel discussion |
M12 Minisymposium: Dynamical Networks (PN 202) |
Organizer: Shlomo Havlin (Ramat-Gan) |
11:00 |
Stability and topology of scale-free networks under attack and defense strategies Lazaros K. Gallos (Thessaloniki, Greece) |
M 12.1 |
11:30 |
Anomalous distances and stability of complex networks Reuven Cohen (Rehovot, Israel) |
M 12.2 |
12:00 |
Self-similarity of complex networks Hernán A. Makse (New York, USA) |
M 12.3 |
12:30 |
Lunch Break |
C7 Applications in Engineering and Nanoscience (PN 201) |
14:00 |
Symmetry-breaking bifurcation, chaos and rectification in lateral semiconductor superlattices K. N. Alekseev (Oulu, Finnland) |
C 7.1 |
14:20 |
Improvement of transient response in non-contact atomic force microscopy - an application of time delayed feedback control K. Yamasue (Kyoto, Japan) |
C 7.2 |
14:40 |
Hierarchical self-organization in swarms of nano-robots V.Avrutin (Stuttgart, Germany) |
C 7.3 |
15:00 |
Selforganization in communication networks and beyond Martin Greiner (Munich, Germany) |
C 7.4 |
15:20 |
Dynamic Modeling of the Parallel Kinematic Machines Li Zhang (Dortmund, Germany) |
C 7.5 |
15:40 |
Moving flock: rotating states and charging flock Hsuan-Yi Chen (Jhongli, Taiwan) |
C 7.6 |
C8 Dynamical Networks (PN 202) |
14:00 |
A general framework for computing the vulnerability of complex networks R. Criado (Madrid, Spain) |
C 8.1 |
14:20 |
Evolution of Networks with Optimized Synchronization Properties Markus Brede (Canberra, Australia) |
C 8.2 |
14:40 |
Universality in the synchronization of complex weighted networks Changsong Zhou (Potsdam, Germany) |
C 8.3 |
15:00 |
Phase chaos Yu.L. Maistrenko (Cologne, Germany) |
C 8.4 |
15:20 |
Synchronization changes in the EEG dynamics: Spatio-temporal and statistical assessment for epileptic seizure prediction M. Winterhalder (Freiburg, Germany) |
C 8.5 |
15:40 |
Entrainment of Complex Oscillator Networks and Design of Biological clocks Hiroshi Kori (Berlin, Germany) |
C 8.6 |
C9 Pattern Formation II (PN 203) |
14:00 |
Temporal Chaos Versus Spatial Mixing in Reaction-Advection-Diffusion Systems M. Abel (Potsdam, Germany) |
C 9.1 |
14:20 |
Bifurcations in a system of interacting fronts A. Amann (Cork, Ireland) |
C 9.2 |
14:40 |
Chaos of topological defects in parametrically excited waves: Properties of defects and ways to control their motion V.O. Afenchenko (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia) |
C 9.3 |
15:00 |
Defect-mediated turbulence in catalytic CO oxidation on Pt(110) C. Beta (Berlin, Germany) |
C 9.4 |
15:20 |
Noise induced wave nucleations in an excitable chemical reaction I. Sendiña-Nadal (Mostoles, Spain) |
C 9.5 |
15:40 |
Deformation and instability of a liquid interface under the effect of acoustic radiation pressure R. Wunenburger (Talence Cedex, France) |
C 9.6 |
16:00 |
Coffee Break |
M13 Minisymposium: Applications in Technological Processes (PN 201) |
Organizer: Jens Starke (Heidelberg) |
16:30 |
Generation of Articulated Mechanisms by Optimization Techniques A. Kawamoto (Nagakute Aichi, Japan) |
M 13.1 |
17:00 |
Pattern formation in advanced manufacturing processes: beam cutting techniques Günter Radons (Chemnitz, Germany) |
M 13.2 |
17:30 |
Constructive Nonlinear Dynamics in Process Systems Engineering M. Mönnigmann (Aachen, Germany) |
M 13.3 |
M14 Minisymposium: Granular Media (PN 202) |
Organizer: Martin van Hecke (Leiden) |
16:30 |
Jamming: from grains to glasses and back again L. E. Silbert (Chicago, USA) |
M 14.1 |
17:00 |
Slow compaction in granular media Daniel Bideau (Rennes, France) |
M 14.2 |
17:30 |
Shear band formation in granular materials János Kertész (Budapest, Hungary) |
M 14.3 |
Plenary Invited Talk (PN 201) |
18:00 |
Fluctuations, Correlations, and Transitions in Granular Materials R. P. Behringer (Duke University, USA) |
I 10 |
18:45 |
Closing |